
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Will Computers Ever Seem Human

I went to the movies this week and got there in time to do my favorite thing, watch the previews and the above preview came on. It's a movie called Her, about a man who falls in love with a computer. After watching it I could not stop thinking about how stupid that is. "No one can fall in love with a computer!", I thought. But after thinking more about it I was drawn to a few of the things we talked about in class. We have discussed intelligent computer assistants such as Siri on the iphone and how maybe one day computers will seem more human. Even now some people treat there computers like humans. They name their computers and they get mad and talk to their computers when they aren't working, all of which we talked about in class. I began to wonder: is it really far off to think that one day someone will be able to fall in love with a computer? Is it weird to think that one day people will talk to as their friends?


  1. WOW. I want to say this film is ahead of its time, but it's really right on time. I think.

    Thanks for posting this. I'll repost it, too.

  2. I fell in love with a computer once....
