
Monday, October 28, 2013

Henry Jenkins
This website talks a little bit about Henry Jenkins and how he is a Director of the MIT Comparative Media Studies Program and also how he is a professor of humanities. He is also pushing for the education of students through video games, which I thought was pretty cool. He is part of a team that looks into making sure young people are fully able to use proper social skills in the "new media landscape." The website also gives links to Jenkins blog.
His blog is very interesting and his most rent blog talks about Brenda Laurel, a dear collogue of his. He says that Brenda Laurel has helped to make the computer a "sustainable digital culture" for the future.  She has looed into what computer games have to offer the world and "what kinds of experiences games have to offer." As I discussed before this is something that Jenkins is very interested in. If you are intrigued in some of Jenkins ideals I encourage you to look at some of his blog posts. I found several of them to be very insightful.

In the above video Jenkins talks about how the average person can take control of information for themselves now. We are now about see government statistics and make them known to call a change. he talks about a transmedia project and how we can put things into many types of media and this helps to strengthen it. He says that the Obama campaign did a great job of this as it used multiple types of media.

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